some updates..
Recently ppl ask what did I do? Yea as usual I admit I'm a NEET(non employ, educating and training), so call jobless. More precise, I'm doing minor part time job, rather than just pure leeching from family like a jerk or smt. My latest part time job was painting miniatures, I degraded my standard and offer super cheap to have myself some business that earn a penny or two. Paint 34 models for only 368rm, consider real cheap, if offer bit higher then customer run away.
For some whatever holy cow reason.. at the moment feel bit lonely and hope to have a date... but the question is with who? I dont see any girls on sight, despite the fact I'm too picky but actually I dont really know any girls at all, or just that my standard might too low that not worth considerable by 'em. If so happen u reading this such lame post of mine and u got a friend that have same situation and is a female, mind introducing to me, that will be godly appreciated deep inside my heart and every single cells of mine, I'm honestly typing it :)
Banned noodles on sales @ 1Utama
if not mistaken, by what my friend told me was true, all these noodles are not edible, which been recently show in the headline news of food disaster in taiwan that the ingredient will bring our health in gret risk for long terms eating them, but still they can be publicly selling there. Pls leave a msg if possible my this post was wrong.

The Farewell Gathering at Traffic D'Light
We got Yakob, Lotion, Richie, Zen, me and Vincy in the party. Is a fun gathering, Vincy brought some key chain from portland, really appreciate that :D. Basically is eat and chat, the topic most basically goes to Bersih Protest and the happi adventure of Vincy. Just say it here in advance ~ Farewell ~ my last German friends in Malaysia. But seriously our table is the most outstanding one I guess, look, everyone's look so epic; mine was fugly thats why it was excluded from it for an obvious reason.

Not that entertaining. So so. ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆ 5/10
Hairy Potter - The Final

One of the recent news that I think it is so wrong.
First of all, Congratulate to Japan female Soccer Team, they finally won the champion world cup that beats all countries include USA team. (Note- Female but not male's team like Beckham's one). While the Japan not ready officially yet to have their super ceremony celebration, the USA in twitter and Facebook start to make curse words all over their status and wall, I randomly pick few and put in a pic. they said "Japan should be destroy by Tsunami, if not USA helps them back there, they could not survive and japan dare to sneak attack to won the championship and why japan deserve to win US? What they did in pearl harbor was unforgivable, they should all died for all japanese".
Full of nonsense... can't believe US ppl can be that childish over football and make such terrible statement..Pics of the week
Three Red Trucks!
I'm not sure are they look common, but I think it's cool so I take a pic. They parked just outside SS2 Murni.
The love birds moment and the born of Prince Charming!
Pls click to enlarge to view properly
Wednesday, July 20, 2011 | | 0 Comments
Some movies, some Mangas etc.
As usual nothing much happens to me recently, oh I got receive a call from the lecturer that told me bout my long delayed exam like 8 months, after I once again ask her last week. She seem unhappi that I ask her bout it in facebook that seems like she had blocked me for four days. The thing she told me on the phone is oh I can have my exam at start of August, together with the newbies. I ask can I refund instead, since I recall last time if exam can't be provided I could receive the half amount of total, for me I can get back 500$ since I took 2 subjects for 1000$; I make a lost but I need money badly now. She told me is less than 100$.. lol
My phone got problem, simcard can't be detected frequently, people call me could course this happen, need restart many times. Want to change a new phone but need $$, my phone now only worth less than 200$ D: (wish to have Samsung Galaxy S II or a pirated iphone4) .. sigh.
My phone got problem, simcard can't be detected frequently, people call me could course this happen, need restart many times. Want to change a new phone but need $$, my phone now only worth less than 200$ D: (wish to have Samsung Galaxy S II or a pirated iphone4) .. sigh.
I finally get back the mood of wargaming tabletop, Warmachine since the fastest and easy game for me, my Cryx unit is so week I felt like.. so planning to start Retribution of Scyrah, the bald Elf. I think just I just love them and inspire me to start it. will post it in future update with pics.

3D Sex and Zen: Extreme Ecstasy
Way before I DL this movie, I already knew the comments and the feedback for this show, but just give it a try to dl it anyway. As usual it is sucky, this show is the renew version of the classic HK 18r show but this one is 3D version though I get normal ver. They hired 2 japan av actress for this act and 1 china and a hk. The story is bout the chinese asia old times how they get lust and erotic desire by the hero and he messed up all the way though. The comment I give is terribly awful overall. All actors are voice dub badly, the plot is not interesting, the sex is no good. My favourite idol Vornie Lui 1st debut on this type of film, she is so much face mutated, and her topeless scene only 2 second... dissapointedness. My aim of the show is Vornie Lui btw..
★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆ 4/10

Transformer 3 - Final
Ya, it is the final episode of this epic movie. I hardly expect a sequel movie will be good, but I actually think the final is better than the previous two. The reason I think so because not only with the fanciful cars but also the Level of Violent and gore did achieve it brilliantly: I was sad for 2 good bots dead but nice dying scene :D. I was terribly disgusted by the Megan Fox replacement, thick-lips women, yep she got devilish fine body but not the face. Due to some failure director did, it got few myth and questionable things can't be solve, but is ok la. Though I agree this final is good, but I think the Ending still sucks based on fragileness unreasonable last boss fight can be so lousily plotted. Within the credit doesn't give any bonus scene at all, sadness. ★★★★★★★★☆☆ 8/10

Couple weeks ago I suddenly fall in love with one of the manga author/artist. "HANAZAWA Kengo" !! He just an otaku looking mangaka like any others but his work is amazingly good. His art is very unique and ideas are very touchy. His awarded work, is very little but is a must read manga;

Set in 2015, Ressentiment's principle conceit is that consumer computing and AI development have reached the point that "girl games" (dating/sex simulations) are now done with VR technology, and the girls are so advanced that they might as well be human. The Hero is the old, short, fat Loser but not an otaku though he look like a creepy one. The drawing and the story is very interesting unlike others. It is an addictive reading manga, my best harem title so far!

Another award winning title - I Am a Hero
Such bombastic title had caught my eyes tention way before all these manga dig out from Hanazawa. During some random manga pop-out recommendation I choose these because I wonder how a manga manage to bear such awesomeness name at first. Firstly I was amazed by the significant level of details, layers and realistism of drawing and character design. But it took me so long to figure out what so special bout it as in the terms of the title relevant? The hero is a mangaka and also a semi-loser, he was finding job and so on since a mangaka life is so harsh a single job is not enough to survive.

It takes more than 1 hundred plus of pages to go though the story without knowing what's the story about, I was almost want to drop this out despite the awesomeness drawing, but then I'm lucky enough that din't happen or it will be a big mistake. It is a freaking epic Zombie Apocalypse Manga! So totally unpredictable, and the hero otaku survive through all these unhappening moments is just too cool. Yet another Must read manga.. but so unfortunately for some god's sake reason that this manga was incomplete and prolong so long, it never updated for almost a year... during the excitedness scene.. sad.. not like the HXH author that his is terribly ill can't continue on but why.. ?
Saturday, July 02, 2011 | | 0 Comments
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