some updates..

Daily life, shit happens. My sim card can happened that died together with my phone with just a drop on floor damaged. So after been 3 years and 8 months, finally come to the end of it, my beloved N95, I changed a new phone; oh a touch screen one... wow very common. But the thing is, I did not backup the last week taken photos, songs and most importantly the Contacts, so yea it is all gone. But of the blessing of disguise, I actually not like got any ppl bother to contact me, so is ok la I guess. 

Recently ppl ask what did I do? Yea as usual I admit I'm a NEET(non employ, educating and training), so call jobless. More precise, I'm doing minor part time job, rather than just pure leeching from family like a jerk or smt. My latest part time job was painting miniatures, I degraded my standard and offer super cheap to have myself some business that earn a penny or two. Paint 34 models for only 368rm, consider real cheap, if offer bit higher then customer run away. 

For some whatever holy cow reason.. at the moment feel bit lonely and hope to have a date... but the question is with who? I dont see any girls on sight, despite the fact I'm too picky but actually I dont really know any girls at all, or just that my standard might too low that not worth considerable by 'em. If so happen u reading this such lame post of mine and u got a friend that have same situation and is a female, mind introducing to me, that will be godly appreciated deep inside my heart and every single cells of mine, I'm honestly typing it :)

Banned noodles on sales @ 1Utama
if not mistaken, by what my friend told me was true, all these noodles are not edible, which been recently show in the headline news of food disaster in taiwan that the ingredient will bring our health in gret risk for long terms eating them, but still they can be publicly selling there. Pls leave a msg if possible my this post was wrong. 

My very last of German friend 'Yakob' is soon leaving us and back to his homeland "The Under World".. no I mean German, yes. Never see him for like few months, he grow lot more larger again, and make me look more like a Halfling to him, or dwarf if u understand the terms of races. It surprise me and Ian when we pick him up for the last farewell gathering, his mohawk been expanded to the length that make him look like... the Barbie Horse.. Hell Cool ! Make me so jealous, I wish I got his body built and height at least 80%. 

The Farewell Gathering at Traffic D'Light
We got Yakob, Lotion, Richie, Zen, me and Vincy in the party. Is a fun gathering, Vincy brought some key chain from portland, really appreciate that :D. Basically is eat and chat, the topic most basically goes to Bersih Protest and the happi adventure of Vincy. Just say it here in advance ~ Farewell ~ my last German friends in Malaysia. But seriously our table is the most outstanding one I guess, look, everyone's look so epic; mine was fugly thats why it was excluded from it for an obvious reason.  

Was trying smt new, The Zoak Cafe. After the Hairy Potter show, me and my friend went for the dinner. Since he bought the value voucher on9, we give a try. It resulted disappointment, just to let you guys know, dont ever try it. 

Mr. Propper's Penguin -It is a Jim Carrey Show, what u expect? Yea nowadays he act normal and so so. Surprisingly the CG works and not failed like those bunny hop movie, which look so epic fake. It is a family show.
Not that entertaining. So so. ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆ 5/10
Hairy Potter - The Final
Since it is the final Chapter, then I just watch it. Rupert look fugly in his growth. Emma still as hot as usual, hopes she never turn into those Lindsay or whoever been fallen and Daniel speak Aus english, which weird I feel like. Many main character died, I got no hard feelings since I dont know 'em. The noseless Voldemort claim himself the most powerful being and yet he being hesitate on fighting Hairy in last fight, instead of powerful strike of magic blast, but he Bitch Slap! him so in the end he was killed like everyone prediction. Not si epic fight like many movie such as LOTR or Transformer, not CG graphic enough and violence gore. And more more thing, the little kids in school beats plenty of adult bad guys, that's movie logic. ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 7/10 (2 stars were dedicated just to Emma)

The Gallants - Best known as Hong Kong 2010 Best Movie award film. This show is not bad, surprise by the graphic in the show can be that davance consider it as HK's film. There got some real Kungfu in the show, which what's it selling point. I'm not wise or mature enough to get the very meaning out of the show,but I seriously love the actress 'JJ' looks, too hot, deeply in love on her :) ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ 6/10

One of the recent news that I think it is so wrong.
First of all, Congratulate to Japan female Soccer Team, they finally won the champion world cup that beats all countries include USA team. (Note- Female but not male's team like Beckham's one). While the Japan not ready officially  yet to have their super ceremony celebration, the USA in twitter and Facebook start to make curse words all over their status and wall, I randomly pick few and put in a pic. they said "Japan should be destroy by Tsunami, if not USA helps them back there, they could not survive and japan dare to sneak attack to won the championship and why japan deserve to win US? What they did in pearl harbor was unforgivable, they should all died for all japanese".
Full of nonsense... can't believe US ppl can be that childish over football and make such terrible statement..

Pics of the week

Three Red Trucks!
I'm not sure are they look common, but I think it's cool so I take a pic. They parked just outside SS2 Murni.

The love birds moment and the born of Prince Charming!
Pls click to enlarge to view properly


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I'm an Otaku Ah Beng. Whee ~

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