Foodness ~

Monday Olive ~
Mum got the coupon which consist 688$$ to makan
so at the end of the valid date go makan

Genting nice view

after 1 hour+ reach there
felt fainting for my dad's driving the curve way
since the seat behind is too slippery that toss me around.

Walk around for fun ~ and random Photoshoo

after more then half hour jalan ~ then head to Olive

Olive ~ whee

The bread is so yummy

because the bread is too delicious, and l was damn hungry
and also it is FREE, was my mistake that l
ordered another potion, which make me later cant order more.

some Foie Gras

Goose liver ~ abit too fulfilling by consume this
the taste is just so so la, maybe l have too much bread

Wagyu Tenderlion

just yumminess as usual ~
conclusion ~ omg !
Parent cant reat much and me too
cant make worth of the coupon/voucher of 688
by that happened was recommended order costly pizza

5 Pizza ~ stand for the Maximum of Cheesiness

here worth 200+
wasted that l spoiled my appetide earlier
so l dapau this for next day ration etc

Tuesday hopeless

me and him and others
so frustrating bout this subject ~ gonna fail it soon

Later drag my FREN to some activity for stress's sake


due to fren slackiness miss the opening part
well is very nice overall
but doesnt fit for the fluff of Ice Age
since is doesnt have much ice
✰✰✰ 1/2 out of 5

Some weird cosplayer by random

It look so pathetic to me
tension magnet that every1 shooting him

Saturday Tournament

from morning 9 until nite 10 whole day
Very Tired la and the result as usual l lost very early.

Shaun God Hand (3D)

for this photo l apply a 3D effect on Shaun's hand
well the main purpose is to complain bout the
Kopitiam restaurant, that their services and food SUX and $$

Random Lab entrance Stuckness

is today, it jammed me that attended the MS class late

>>The Old Blog is Up for old post
this is my Blog that last for 2 years back etc
(Click at it)

Pic of the Month

some poor huge Lizard at my living area


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CY in Person
I'm an Otaku Ah Beng. Whee ~

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