PC fair
Very late update due to superior of laziness ~ slack*
friday go PC fair with Zenny ~ according to the plan meet up then go. Then he lost for 1 hour and use GPS to navigate where r we and go another half hour ~ reached at 12 +, no parking etc whee ~ But b4 we start to go we saw smt funny ~
Zen spot the car ran over it

Too bad, becos Zen blocked line of sight l cant see the moment the car wheel ran over it.
Its not dead yet

After it suffer the deadly damge inflict by the car then I quicklyt take pics when it still shaking. :D

Too bad, becos Zen blocked line of sight l cant see the moment the car wheel ran over it.
Its not dead yet

After it suffer the deadly damge inflict by the car then I quicklyt take pics when it still shaking. :D
Thx Zen

then makan at food court then start wondering around ~
KLCC deco

Cosplayers ~

1st I thought l miss the part, then l realize the game section part is so small this time, and only this small parts of cosplayers ~ ceh. And Lubu looking guy is funny.
Randomness obstacles blocking the way

Mr.Gold which dont move at all

Zen seems so happi bout the speaker he bought

1st he so charming and wear the elf hat band which is free provide and buy a very worthy speaker 65$ consider good due ~
Then he is lucky enough to selected to lucky draw

Until like 5 pm no 1 still wearing the elf band on the head anymore but he do, then the seeker keep track and found him wearing it so he was choosen to go lucky draw under HP.
Zen happily drawing the number and wish to be BlackBerry
IF he manage to draw a star simbol on a ping pong then he will win a Black Berry.
When he reach the gift counter everys'1 clap like robot and low morale etc.
He draw no.4 ~ Its a Pinki TeddyBear ~ Yeepee :D

He so excited and happi with it, seems to be then he present to CY immedietly ~ Wow* and happi I would take this wonderful gift away from him ASAP :3

then makan at food court then start wondering around ~
KLCC deco

Cosplayers ~

1st I thought l miss the part, then l realize the game section part is so small this time, and only this small parts of cosplayers ~ ceh. And Lubu looking guy is funny.
Randomness obstacles blocking the way

Mr.Gold which dont move at all

Zen seems so happi bout the speaker he bought

1st he so charming and wear the elf hat band which is free provide and buy a very worthy speaker 65$ consider good due ~
Then he is lucky enough to selected to lucky draw

Until like 5 pm no 1 still wearing the elf band on the head anymore but he do, then the seeker keep track and found him wearing it so he was choosen to go lucky draw under HP.
Zen happily drawing the number and wish to be BlackBerry

IF he manage to draw a star simbol on a ping pong then he will win a Black Berry.
When he reach the gift counter everys'1 clap like robot and low morale etc.
He draw no.4 ~ Its a Pinki TeddyBear ~ Yeepee :D

He so excited and happi with it, seems to be then he present to CY immedietly ~ Wow* and happi I would take this wonderful gift away from him ASAP :3
Free Gift from a 200$ receipt ~

I bought a 1TB external H.disk worth 310$ so l go claim my free gift.
It turn out to be a re-writeable DVD. Heard so many uncles complain bout it for being such cheapskate.
Songear Mini-Speaker

I like it becos of its size, and despite of the looks actually it is quite clear. = 29$
The 2nd day go again with Zen and Suresh, but probably the same thing and pics included already.
Then back to GC at 3+ but then helps to clean stock etc
dust everywhere makes me keep sneeze ~

Now Game Circle is vert clean and nice :D Credit to the group concist of CY, Vincy, Zenny, youth Richard, Carl & Nick.

I bought a 1TB external H.disk worth 310$ so l go claim my free gift.
It turn out to be a re-writeable DVD. Heard so many uncles complain bout it for being such cheapskate.
Songear Mini-Speaker

I like it becos of its size, and despite of the looks actually it is quite clear. = 29$
The 2nd day go again with Zen and Suresh, but probably the same thing and pics included already.
Then back to GC at 3+ but then helps to clean stock etc
dust everywhere makes me keep sneeze ~

Now Game Circle is vert clean and nice :D Credit to the group concist of CY, Vincy, Zenny, youth Richard, Carl & Nick.
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