Ching Ming part 1

The main purpose of this trip is Ching Ming, and my dad somehow somewhat promised some not so close family to bring them too ages ago... so total like 14 ppl.... Omgosh
normally shud be oni go China kampung and pray pray only, but becos to entertain them, make it worthy so will visit some places too beside only China....
CY have to take leave even needed to miss some important classes

take a cab at 5am

2pid plane Delay 1 hour+++ ? Duck

Reached Macau after 4 hours + in the plane

Pray Pray as usual ~ to 4 faces Goddess ;D =D :( :0

wish to hav good fortune ~ leng lui surround CY ? nah ~

Crappy food restaurant and killing price ~

pls dun visit ; (Ji Mei Mun Ook)

2pid Hotel's room check in take 3 hours?

here is the place l update my FB

since it take retard long to check in my room,
l use it free service use pc for 15 minits !!
it only avaliable 15 minits for each room check in

yay watch lovely TVB anime

Random visit Casinos ~

last time dun hav Camera, now thx to N95

The most expensive Turtle cake l ever know

few years nv eat jor, now order a small portion ~yay

a small portion which is cost only 278 HKD$$

CatCin~$ it taste real nice as usual. the only place l stastified
turtle cake and also can order hot 1


omg, cy look so ugliness

Sai Lam again after few years ! Jeng!

not much Shark Fin port can really beat this I doubt

Cat Cin~$ !

Morning Break 1st -Buffet, CY took 2 plate + extra

Damn, now so fat ... 53 kg!!


got more then Thousand of pics, just cincai post some

Take a Fiary, titanic etc to another place - End


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