Ching Ming part 2

Arrived at HK around 4pm+
Check in Hotel etc

Expensive and not resonable price

Small bedroom and bed attach each other

small Room = 4XX $
bed stick together and best part is have to slp with my brother
he sacarstically snoring sound make me cant slp for whole nite ~ yay

Nite street ~ shinniness

Crappy restaurant get shit again ;D

l try follow and ordered the same food which next table
since it seem so tastiness

Crappy duck ~ cover with those thickness etc~ Duck Me!

Desert house ~ taste lose last few years

Crappy moment - HK Style

last few years were dif, now everytime when ever u need
access to the toilet u needed to visit the counter
for a key to the toilet which is at the backcorner of the shop ;D

Orang Besi / Iron Man figure - Realistic 100%!!

u need pre-order for it even u got $$ hehe
l wish l could have it

Visit CY's favourite outlet -Tough Jeans

There r everywhere in HK
and also Gillian in the middle on the poster

Street painter which is totaly handless but just arm

he can paint such awesome art on floor which oni using arm
pay him if u can ;D

Street performer - Just Lame and Pointless

it attract alot tension, but l dun see any talent there
l tink they're students on smt etc
they even Sing... but like shit ..

Gillian's Bag, l get 2 for it ;D

if u buy any product under Tough u may request 1 or 2 of it
Congratz Gillain resurrected and Cheer for her.
Pls dun blame her past since was Ed's fault rite.

1 of it's product I bought, but swt ~
Cy look so fat on it. need trim

got lot more, will show u guys if u wan ;D
Pls dun blame CY yet, he working real hard to trim himself
just for it... in progress

Rmb them? l duno is that new or old 1

lm talking bout the poster ah :D

A shop u must visit when u in HK

I recall last time taste better, but now still not bad
bout thier Cha Siu and noodles la
when u visit the shop u will see wall fully posted artist photos

Randomness street Poster on wall, just why Malaysia cant

street war, complex etc got few of em which sexiness..
wish Malaysia can be more open if can ;D

New movie out, Hits HK. any1 wan to
watch with CY when this out?

The news said 1st show in HK, some1 will get snipe during the show
so far ntng happends ~ yay

Nite dinner ~ get scam again for shitty food

Shanghai etc resturant wor, shit food again
which offering super high costly price ;)

Bought this shoes for coming New sem

KDU new rules too straight etc, cant wear slipper etc anymore
so CY need this

If u married in HK, and if u got $$ u can pay for this service ;D

Bus arrived ~ 1 step closer to the destination - End

BB hk shit foods ;D


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I'm an Otaku Ah Beng. Whee ~

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